Nn the last few hours, the Houthis have taken charge of international news. After several warnings, the US and the United Kingdom complied and began bombing targets related to the rebel group in Yemen, and they retaliated with new attacks.

Although the conflict has intensified now, it has been going on for many years. The Houthis were formed to combat corruption in Yemen, however, their history is intensely marked by the fight against the USA.

After several years of apparent peace, with the start of the war in Gaza on October 7, 2023, the Houthis, who say they are part of the resistance axis (Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah) returned to the attack. Not only against Israel, but against the USA and the West.

On November 19, for example, they launched 27 drone and missile attacks against commercial ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea. These attacks increased by 500% between November and December and forced many shipping companies to abandon the region.

This Thursday, after several warnings, the USA and the United Kingdom bombed the rebel group’s military bases, located in Sanaa, and the provinces of Hodeidah and Dhamar, which further escalated the conflict. At least five Houthi fighters are believed to have died in the attacks.

Just yesterday, the Huthis attacked ships from the USA and the United Kingdom, which were in the Red Sea, declaring, as the member of the Houthis’ political cabinet, Ali al Quhom, wrote on the social network X (formerly Twitter), “open war” to the West.

“The battle will be bigger and goes beyond the imagination and expectations of the Americans and the British. It is an open war”, he threatened, adding that the USA and the United Kingdom will “regret the attacks” on Yemen.

In a statement, US President Joe Biden explained that he authorized the joint attack with the United Kingdom and that it had the support of Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands.

In turn, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak assured that attacks against Houthi rebel positions in Yemen were “limited, necessary and proportionate” and in retaliation for offensives against ships in the Red Sea.

Faced with the escalation of the conflict, Saudi Arabia called for restraint and Russia for a meeting of the UN Security Council.

Read Also: Who are the Houthis and why do they attack ships in the Red Sea?

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2478951/guerra-aberta-a-escalada-do-conflito-entre-hutis-e-ocidente

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