A couple murdered their own 18-year-old daughter in Italy because she refused an arranged marriage with a cousin. Although the crime occurred in 2021, it was not until May 31, 2024 that the victim’s mother was captured, an official source told the EFE news agency.

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Nazia Shaheen was detained in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir “and was produced before a court in Islamabad” last Friday,” said a member of Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), who requested anonymity.

Shaheen and her husband, Shabbar Abbas, murdered their daughter Saman Abbas in Italy in 2021 and Both were sentenced to life in prison in December last year.

Although the father was found in Pakistan and later extradited to Italy in September 2023, the mother’s whereabouts were unknown in her native country.

“The extradition process has already started, after which she will be sent to Italy following the procedure,” said the Pakistani investigation agency official.

In a case that shocked Italian society, Saman Abbas disappeared from his parents’ house in Novellara in April 2021, when he returned to collect his documentation after spending several months in housing protected by social services.

The young woman had reported that Her parents wanted to marry her against her will to a cousin of theirs, older than her.

The Italian Prosecutor’s Office accused the parents of handing her over to an uncle, Danish Hasnain, so that he could murder her and hide the body. Hasnain was arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison for his role in the murder.

The only family member left in Novellara was Salman’s 16-year-old brother, who was transferred to a protected center and who, according to Italian media, He revealed to the agents that his sister was murdered for refusing to marry the cousin with whom they had “arranged” her marriage. and to prevent him from leaving home, as he did months ago, the first time they proposed it to him.

Arranged marriages are common in conservative Pakistan, where hundreds of women are murdered each year in so-called ‘honor crimes’ for opposing these unions.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/papas-obligaron-a-su-hija-a-casarse-con-un-primo-ella-se-nego-y-la-mandaron-a-matar-cb20

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