O Pope Francis urged priests to keep their homilies short and to speak for a maximum of eight minutes to prevent the faithful from falling asleep. The warning was made this Wednesday during the weekly audience at the Vatican.

According to The Guardian, Francis stated that the homily “should be short: an image, a thought, a feeling” and should not take more than eight minutes “because after that time attention is lost and people fall asleep, and rightly so “.

“Priests sometimes talk a lot and you don’t understand what they are talking about,” said the 87-year-old pontiff.

Pope Francis’ request comes at a time when his own speech is being criticized. At the end of May, he stated that there was an environment of “too much cliqueishness” within the Church and ended up apologizing for the term used, stating that “it was not his intention to be homophobic”.

However, according to the Italian press, the Pope used the same expression again on Tuesday during a closed-door meeting with around 200 priests.

Read Also: After apologizing, Pope returns to using the term “facility” in the Vatican

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2579283/as-pessoas-adormecem-papa-pede-aos-padres-para-fazerem-homilias-curtas

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