O Nobel Prize winner for Physics Peter Higgs died on Monday at the age of 94. The physicist proposed the Higgs boson, also called the ‘God Particle’.

“He died peacefully at his home on Monday, April 8, following a sudden illness”explained, cited by the France-Presse agency, the University of Edinburgh, in the United Kingdom.

In the note, those responsible also state that the investigator was “a great teacher and mentor, who inspired generations of young scientists”.

The theories that gave him this award were developed in the 1960s, but were only recognized in 2013. “Nobody took what I was doing seriously, so nobody wanted to work with me,” he said in an interview with the BBC in 2014, adding: “They thought I was a bit eccentric and, perhaps, grumpy.”

When asked at the time about asking for autographs on the street, he considered that fame was “a little uncomfortable”. “It’s a little uncomfortable, frankly,” he confessed.

The Higgs boson – or the ‘God Particle’

Peter Higgs predicted the existence of a new particle – the so-called Higgs boson – in 1964, but it would take almost 50 years before it could be confirmed, in 2012, at the Large Hadron Collider, which operates at the European particle physics laboratory (CERN). ).

The Higgs theory is related to how how subatomic particles obtain their massand is a central part of the so-called Standard Model, which describes the physics of how the universe is made.

On the CERN website, scientists dedicate space to explaining various aspects about this discovery, such as how this boson was discovered, what has been learned since its discovery or how it impacts everyday life.

[Notícia atualizada às 18h13]

Read Also: Psychologist Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002, has died

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2537279/morreu-peter-higgs-nobel-da-fisica-que-descobriu-particula-de-deus

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