Pope Francis assures that the Spanish priests who said in a gathering on YouTube that They prayed that the pontiff could “go to heaven as soon as possible”, they felt “pity” and that he did not believe that they were “bad people”, but rather “sad people”.

The comments made by these priests, last February 22 in the gathering “The Sacristy of the Vendée. A counterrevolutionary priestly gathering”, directed by Francisco José Delgado Martín, diocesan priest of Toledo (central Spain), They generated such controversy that the religious themselves recognized that it had been a “comment in bad taste.”

In its edition this Saturday, the Spanish media ‘elDiario.es’ quotes the confessional media Religión Digital to collect the Pope’s response to those comments and also his opinion on the future of the Spanish Church, after the conservative turn in its head, with the appointment of Luis Argüello as head of the Spanish bishops.

The digital newspaper highlights the reflections that the Supreme Pontiff made a few days ago to a delegation that visited him in the Vatican, made up of Father Ángel, a Spanish priest who presides over the NGO Messengers of Peace, the Argentine nun Sister Lucía Caram and a team from the specialized media ‘Digital Religion’.

In these reflections, Francis affirms that “in Spain there are many people who work well, and there are small groups of resistance,” in relation to the disagreements he maintains on issues such as the blessing of homosexual couples or divorced couples with the Spanish bishops, with whom denies confrontations: “there are good people, but they do not agree.”

In that meeting the Pope makes it clear that his death is something that “does not seem close” and neither does his resignation, a “distant hypothesis” that would only occur due to a “serious illness.”

But he recognizes that when he has been hospitalized, Some in the Holy See were “almost thinking about a new conclave. They were more interested in politics, in running an electoral campaign,” points out.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/el-papa-francisco-respondio-a-los-curas-espanoles-que-rezan-por-su-muerte-me-dan-lastima-cb20

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