O The leader of the Catholic Church is “evidently very concerned about the hundreds of thousands of people who have been killed or injured and the innocent civilian lives that have been taken”, Mark Milley told the press after the meeting, already aboard a US military plane. .

“He is very interested in my views on the situation and evolution of the war, as well as the ongoing tragedy in Ukraine,” added the general.

The US Army has been providing military equipment to Ukraine and training its troops to combat the Russian invasion, which began almost a year and a half ago, on February 24, 2022.

This aid helped Kiev to recover some ground from the Russian forces, carrying out a vast counter-offensive since the beginning of June.

But the operation is proving to be very difficult, as the Russian military has spent the winter and spring reinforcing its positions with trenches, anti-tank explosives and hundreds of kilometers of minefields.

The Pope regularly calls for an end to the war in Ukraine, and his peace envoy traveled to Kiev and Moscow in June.

Mark Milley, a practicing Catholic, indicated that he discussed other issues with the Pope and that they spoke “a lot about Africa”.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2384393/papa-reune-com-chefe-do-estado-maior-dos-eua-para-falar-da-ucrania

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