“O What is being done is truly madness,” Orbán said at his party Fidesz’s first major campaign rally for the European elections in June. The Hungarian prime minister made no secret of the fact that he hopes these elections will mark a turning point in Europe, with a greater weight of ultra-conservative positions.
Orbán stressed his firm opposition to any NATO involvement in Ukraine.
“Hungary does not want war and does not want Hungary to become a toy in the hands of the great powers again”he explained, promising that his country “will not enter the” Ukrainian “conflict on either side”.
The Hungarian leader also called for a “takeover” of Brussels, a term he has used on several occasions to attack what he defines as the “incompetence” of the “bureaucrats”. According to Orbán, there is “a big problem” within the European Union and among the policies he intends to change are migration issues
“No one can dictate to Hungarians who they have to live with”said Orbán, whose government has been singled out in recent years for setbacks in terms of the rule of law, among other reasons, due to laws that restrict the rights of the LGTBI community.
Read Also: Ukraine: Russia will create ‘drone’ production center
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2545048/posicao-sobre-ucrania-orban-diz-que-bruxelas-esta-a-brincar-com-o-fogo