Al-Zani, who also holds the Foreign Affairs portfolio, also indicated that Qatar will continue to work to promote a new truce between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and achieve a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, Qatari television reported Al-Jazira.

The emir of Qatar and brother of the prime minister, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Zani, has repeatedly called on the international community to pressure Israel over the offensive in the Gaza Strip and warned that it could provoke an escalation of the conflict in the region. of the Middle East.

Qatar, together with Egypt, was essential in the negotiations that allowed a week of truce, the release of 110 Israeli hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

On October 7, fighters from the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) — in power in the Gaza Strip since 2007 and classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel — carried out an attack of unprecedented proportions on Israeli territory. since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, causing more than 1,200 deaths, mostly civilians, 5,000 injured and around 240 hostages.

In retaliation, Israel declared a war to “eradicate” Hamas, which began with cuts to food, water, electricity and fuel supplies in the Gaza Strip and daily bombings, followed by a ground offensive in the north of that territory, which is now under attack. advance south.

The war between Israel and Hamas, which continues to threaten to spread throughout the Middle East region, has so far left more than 15,200 people dead in the Gaza Strip, mostly civilians, and more than 40,000 injured, according to the most recent report. of local authorities, confirmed by the UN, and 1.7 million displaced people, according to the UN, plunging the poor Palestinian enclave into a serious humanitarian crisis.

Read Also: Israeli negotiators leave Qatar facing “impasse” over new truce

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