One reason for the judge: “The judge said that he is actually a prime example of how to arrive well in Germany,” said defender Christian Reiser to “Bild”. The second lawyer Jörg Meyer: “In principle, he is fully integrated.”

The man came to Germany in 2015, graduated from secondary school with a grade of 1.0 and then completed an apprenticeship as a plant mechanic. He worked for a local heating engineer and played for a football club.

Another person got drunk Mohammad M

But when he drank, he was a different person.

On April 13, 2019, he kissed and fondled a girl under her clothes on a park bench near the main train station, only stopping when she pushed him away. He then sat down with another girl, 16 years old, who also rejected him several times. She raped the then 19-year-old.

In the fall of the same year, he demanded oral sex from a woman at a railway underpass. When she refused, he became aggressive and the woman gave in. In winter 2021 he touched an acquaintance in his apartment, he pressed and kissed the same woman again in winter 2021. In early 2022, he repeatedly touched his penis to a drunk acquaintance who slept with him.

One of the victims suffered from the experience for years and had to go to therapy. Only years later did she dare to report Mohammad M. After returning from a home visit to Afghanistan in January 2023, he was arrested at Munich Airport and has been in custody ever since.

Rape victim didn’t accept apology

The six months he spent there made the judge merciful, along with the full confession. One victim also confirmed that he was a completely different person when he was sober.

Mohammad A. proposed a perpetrator-victim compensation of 2,500 euros and received a 22-month suspended sentence. In addition, he must complete anti-aggression training and must not have more than 0.5 per thousand blood alcohol.

His lawyer explained: “The verdict of the youth court is not unusual, because with adolescents the educational idea is in the foreground.” Incidentally, the rape victim refused the payment and did not accept the apology.


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