O The Republican National Committee has approved a 20-point program for a possible second term for Trump, who will be formally nominated as the party’s candidate during the convention to be held next week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The list – which embraces Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric – proposes “stopping the migrant invasion” into the United States and “carrying out the largest deportation operation in the history” of the country.

The political program also includes “ending inflation” and transforming the United States into a global energy power.

As far as foreign policy is concerned, Trump’s plan, if he returns to the White House, is to “prevent World War III and restore peace to Europe and the Middle East.”

The electoral program also proposes the construction of “a large defensive shield against missiles” in the United States – in the style of the Israeli Iron Dome – and the “deportation of pro-Hamas radicals” (a reference to the Palestinian Islamist group) who participate in university protests.

The political project also proposes “ending foreign drug cartels and crushing gang violence”, as well as modernizing the US Army to make it “the strongest and most powerful in the world”.

Its economic proposal is to maintain the US dollar as the world’s main currency and avoid cuts to the Medicare public health program.

The Republican program threatens to cut federal funding to schools that address issues related to racism and gender identity, claiming that the content is inappropriate for children.

The program also opposes the participation of transgender women in women’s sports competitions.

In another sector, the political project also promises to protect the integrity of the elections, once again raising the specter of electoral fraud – a theory that Trump has insisted on, without foundation, since he lost to Democratic President Joe Biden in the 2020 elections.

The New York tycoon, who was President of the United States between 2017 and 2021, won the Republican Party primaries, although he will not be officially approved as a candidate until the Republican National Convention, which will take place from July 15 to 18 in Milwaukee.

The unity within the party in favor of Trump contrasts with what is happening in the Democratic ranks, where Biden is increasingly questioned due to his poor performance in the first televised election debate, on June 27.

On the divisive issue of abortion, the Republican platform is closer to the position of Donald Trump, who has distanced himself from a generalized ban on voluntary termination of pregnancy and expressed support for legislation to be drafted at the state level.

In a reference to the decision of the US Supreme Court, which, with a majority of conservative judges installed by the former president, annulled the “Roe v. Wade” ruling two years ago, which guaranteed the federal right to abortion, the Republicans simply emphasized in the program now released that, thanks to Trump, it is now possible to vote on laws that protect the “right to life” at the state level.

The Republican Party’s platforms in 2020 and 2016 both called for a federal proposal to ban abortion beyond a certain number of weeks, a position still supported by the religious right even after the Supreme Court’s decision.

Donald Trump distanced himself from this type of proposal in April.

Demonstrating the unpopularity of this type of measure, since the Supreme Court’s decision, conservatives have lost almost every referendum or vote on the issue of abortion, even in tendentially conservative states like Ohio, Alabama or Kansas.

[Notícia atualizada às 20h46]

Read Also: Trump calls for ‘freezing’ of classified documents case

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2594763/republicanos-aprovam-programa-que-inclui-deportacao-em-massa-dos-eua

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