Do you have some rice left over from the day before? You can use it in a delicious salad! No leftovers? Then try making it with brown rice.


  • curly lettuce leaves
  • 1 can of drained peas
  • 1 and ½ cups (tea) of cooked brown rice
  • 150 grams of diced ham
  • 1 seedless tomato, chopped
  • 1 chopped celery stalk (optional)
  • 1 medium carrot, grated or sliced ​​into thin strips
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Black olives to taste
  • Chopped parsley to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

Preparation Mode

  1. Line the bottom and sides of a serving dish with lettuce leaves. Set aside.
  2. In a bowl, mix the peas, ham, tomato, carrot and celery.
  3. Season with olive oil, pepper, salt and parsley. Mix.
  4. Add the rice, olives and mix again.
  5. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.
  6. Remove, place the mixture on the serving dish with the lettuce leaves.
  7. Serve.

Mom’s Tips

If you prefer, you can make it with leftover rice.

You can also add tuna to the salad.

Yields approximately 6 servings.


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