“A “The Ukrainian crisis cannot be resolved in one day,” said Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), Vasily Nebenzya, at a press conference in New York, followed by Lusa.

“The president [russo, Vladimir] Putin recently said that the current situation of the Ukrainian crisis could have been resolved, as you well know, in April 2022,” he added.

Last week, former US President Donald Trump vowed to “resolve” Russia’s war in Ukraine before he even took office, with Joe Biden, the current head of state, warning that his Russian counterpart would not stay in Kiev unless he was stopped in his attempt to conquer the neighboring country.

In the first presidential debate of 2024 last Thursday, Trump attacked Biden for giving Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons and insisted he could end the war with Russia quickly, though he did not explain how he would do so.

The Republican tycoon also said that Putin respects him, despite admitting that the terms the Russian President presented to end Russia’s war in Ukraine “are not acceptable.”

Putin said Russia would only end its war in Ukraine if Kiev handed over all four regions occupied by Moscow and abandoned its bid to join NATO.

At today’s press conference, the day Russia assumed the monthly presidency of the UN Security Council, Nebenzya assessed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s so-called peace formula is unfeasible, and declared that Russia will not even discuss it.

Regarding the alleged shipment of Patriot missile systems from Israel to Ukraine, the diplomat warned that this could have significant political consequences.

Last week, the Financial Times reported that the United States is in talks with Israeli and Ukrainian authorities to ship Patriot missile systems from Tel Aviv to Kiev.

“We are discouraging all countries, which have not yet done so, from supplying weapons to Ukraine,” the Russian diplomat said.

“The weapons that will eventually be exported to Ukraine (…) will be destroyed like the other weapons that the West, the United States, are supplying to Ukraine, but I assume that the decision that may be taken on this issue may, of course, have certain political consequences,” he assumed.

Read Also: Russia in state of emergency due to fires in Siberian region

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2590403/russia-afasta-promessa-de-trump-de-que-resolveria-guerra-num-dia

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