“TWe are certain that Russia supports, in one way or another, Hamas’ operations,” he said in an interview broadcast this evening on the public television channel France 2.

“For our secret services it is obvious. We have information that we cannot disclose, but we have all the indications that lead us to believe that Russia is helping to carry out certain terrorist operations,” Zelensky added.

It is not the first time that (Russia) acts in this way. It has already done it in Syria, it has already done it in Ukraine (…), it carries out operations thanks to Wagner on the African continent. Russia seeks to sow instability around the world.”

And he warned of the possibility that the conflict in the Middle East could make the international community forget the importance of Ukraine’s war against the Russian invasion.

“There is a risk that international attention will be diverted from Ukraine and this will have consequences,” he insisted.

According to the Ukrainian President, “Russia needs a pause in the war in Ukraine to better prepare for another large-scale invasion and to attack Ukraine’s neighbors who are members of NATO.”

“It is in Russia’s interests to trigger a third world war. It started in Ukraine and will continue if we are unable to stop it”, he reiterated.

Read Also: US ensures continued support for Ukraine despite aid to Israel

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2417491/russia-apoia-ataque-do-hamas-para-a-desestabilizacao-global

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