“A“The information about the possible sending of Argentine tanks through Germany, similar to the plane agreement with France, is also worrying”, said Dmitri Feoktistov, quoted by the Russian press, adding that it was communicated “clearly and firmly to Argentina that such actions will be considered hostile to Russia.”

The diplomat urged the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, not to interfere in the war (between Ukraine and Russia) and to resume neutrality to “preserve the friendly nature of Russian-Argentine relations, which have historically been immune to political trends.”

Ukraine and Russia have been at war for around two and a half years, since Russian troops invaded Ukrainian territory, an act condemned by most of the international community.

On Saturday, on the sidelines of the Peace Summit in Ukraine, which ended today in Switzerland, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky awarded his Argentine counterpart, Javier Milei, with the Order of Freedom, an insignia awarded for special merits in strengthening sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

In his speech at the summit, the President of Argentina expressed his “maximum support” for his Ukrainian counterpart and defended “peace, trade and prosperity”.

“As defenders of the ideas of freedom, we repudiate any type of violence between people, but in particular we reject war as an illegitimate mechanism for resolving conflicts between nations”, said Javier Milei at the time before Zelensky and around a hundred delegations from countries across the world. continents.

Russian Ambassador Dmitri Feoktistov also criticized the participation of the Argentine Defense Minister, Luis Petri, in the meeting, this week, in the Belgian capital, of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine.

“The rapprochement between Buenos Aires and the military bosses of Ukraine causes us deep disappointment”, he said.

Read Also: The West reinforced support for Kyiv at a summit that defended sovereignty

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2581187/russia-avisa-argentina-que-envio-de-equipamento-a-kyiv-sera-ato-hostil

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