“DDuring this legislature I will propose to parliament that Spain recognize the Palestinian State”, declared Sanchez at an event organized by the Socialist Party in Bilbao, in northern Spain.

“We will do so out of moral conviction, because it is a just cause, but also because it is the only way for two states, Israel and Palestine, to coexist in peace and security,” he explained.

Sanchez, who was re-elected in November 2023, had already expressed his desire to recognize a Palestinian state, but without, until now, saying when.

Within the European Union, Spain has been one of the most critical voices towards Israel since the beginning of the war triggered by the bloody Hamas attack on October 7th on Israeli soil.

This stance led to strong diplomatic tension between the two countries, with Israel recalling its ambassador to Spain in November to protest what Sanchez described as “scandalous” remarks. The ambassador recently resumed her duties.

Read Also: Palestinian doctors report new attack on crowd in Gaza

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2518204/sanchez-vai-propor-ao-parlamento-que-reconheca-estado-palestiniano

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