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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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While some people can’t do without their cereal or butter/jam toast in the morning, others opt for a savory version. On weekends in particular, savory breakfast is a good option since it wants to be more consistent. If you’re looking for some inspiration before succumbing to this food trend, we’ve listed our best recipes. Avocado toast, eggs benedict or even muffins: it’s impossible not to fall for it.

If muffins have already seduced many gourmets thanks to their chocolate version in particular, today we are twisting this classic by opting for a savory version. On the menu ? Muffins with all the pizza ingredients. Quick and easy to eat in the morning, you can prepare them on the weekend to enjoy them throughout the week. See the recipe for savory muffins.

Even better than fast food, homemade egg muffins are a sure bet. Very popular in the USA, this egg, bacon and cheese sandwich will be one of your favorite recipes once you have tried it. See the egg muffin recipe.

Today, we’re sharing not one but three avocado toast recipes, just to vary the pleasures in the morning. It must be said that this preparation has become so cult that it is essential to give it a little pep from time to time by varying the pleasures and giving free rein to your imagination. See our 3 avocado toast ideas.

We no longer present eggs benedict with salmon, a flagship dish of brunches and savory breakfasts. We never tire. It’s one of the most popular food trends of late and we understand why. See the recipe for eggs benedict with smoked salmon.


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