A Spanish tourist was attacked and raped by seven men in a region of northern Indiawhere she was on vacation with her husband, official sources informed EFE on March 2.

The woman, of Brazilian origin with Spanish citizenship, and her husband, also Spanish, were on vacation doing a bicycle tour. Both were attacked in a rural district of the state of Jharkhand by the seven men, being beaten and she raped, according to the victims and police sources.

“They attacked us in the store, they beat us, they put a knife to my throat saying they were going to kill us, and seven men raped her,” the man said in a video recording from the hospital where they are receiving treatment.

His partner, who accompanies him in the recording, with blows all over his face, indicated that they were also robbed by the men who assaulted her, although he assures: “we had very little, his real motive was to rape me.”

Sources consulted by EFE indicated that she is in a hospital in the area receiving medical attention. The Indian Police claimed this Sunday to have identified all those involved in the attack.

“Since we have identified everyone’s names (…) During the interrogation, the accused confessed their participation in the matter (…) the remaining ones will be arrested soon,” the local police superintendent, Pitambar Singh Kherwar, said in a press conference.

The event, which has received great media attention, in part because it involved foreigners, has been considered a “very serious case” for which the Police in India have formed two special investigation teams (SIT) to The procedure.

“One of the teams will examine the collection of evidence. And the second team has been formed to nab the remaining accused; they (SIT team) are constantly investigating and raiding the places,” Kherwar said.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/siete-hombres-en-la-india-violan-a-una-turista-espanola-y-golpean-a-su-esposo-cb20

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