Spanish National Police officers have freed 24 women who were victims of sexual exploitation, most of them Colombian. In addition, with this operation, they dismantled a dangerous criminal organization.

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Women They were forced to work as prostitutes 24 hours a day, six days a week, with only two hours free each day.

The operation ended with the capture of 21 people in several provinces, including Madrid, Valencia, Castellón, La Rioja and Zaragoza.

Among those arrested are the four main perpetrators, who are in preventive detention. In addition, the police carried out eleven house searches and judicially closed five brothels where the exploitation took place.

How did you find the human trafficking organization?

Thanks to the statement of a woman who reported having been a victim of sexual exploitation On the part of the criminal organization, the authorities began the investigation.

The police discovered that the gang was led by a woman, who worked together with her family, in a type of clan. To attract their victims, they used advertisements on Internet portals for sexual contacts.

According to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, when the criminal gang was arrested, they seized “51,730 euros in cash, a vehicle, 11 mobile phones, two laptops, a tablet, 35 grams of cocaine, 446 grams of marijuana, 52 grams of hashish, 23 tablets of medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and an air pistol with lead ammunition.”

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