Check out the most requested tips and fillings for the spoon egg (dessert egg), which continues to be a highlight at Easter this year!!

Prestige Stuffing


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 200 ml coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 100 grams of grated coconut
  • ½ can of whey-free cream

Preparation Mode

  1. With the first four ingredients, prepare a white brigadeiro over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Remove, add the cream, mix well and let it cool.
  3. Place the candy in a pastry bag and fill the chocolate egg shell.
  4. Decorate with finely grated or flaked coconut.

Nutella® Brigadeiro Filling


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 spoon of margarine
  • 4 tablespoons of Nutella®

Preparation Mode

  1. In a pan, place all the ingredients.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens.
  3. Place the brigadeiro in a pastry bag and fill in the chocolate egg shell.
  4. Decorate to taste.

Ninho® Milk Brigadeiro Filling with Nutella®


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 6 tablespoons of powdered milk
  • 70 grams of white chocolate
  • Nutella® to taste

Preparation Mode

  1. With the first four ingredients, prepare a white brigadeiro over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Remove and let cool.
  3. Place the brigadeiro in a pastry bag and fill half of the chocolate egg shell.
  4. Top with Nutella® and decorate as desired.

Passion Fruit Brigadeiro


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 spoon of margarine
  • Concentrated passion fruit juice to taste

Preparation Mode

  1. With the first two ingredients, prepare a white brigadeiro over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Remove and let cool.
  3. After of coldgradually add the juice to taste.
  4. Mix well
  5. Place the brigadeiro in a pastry bag and fill in the chocolate egg shell.
  6. Decorate to taste.

Red Fruit Truffle


  • 250 grams of melted white chocolate
  • 1 box of cream
  • Concentrated red fruit flavor paste
  • Drops of red food coloring (optional)

Preparation Mode

  1. Mix all the ingredients and refrigerate.
  2. Remove, fill the eggshell and decorate to taste.

Mom Tips

Gourmet Easter eggs must be made with quality products.

For the egg shells, use 150 grams of good quality chocolate for each egg half. Use a 250-gram mold; each half will be 125 grams. We always melt a little extra chocolate. Melt and temper the chocolate according to the package instructions. Apply to shapes. You can make the shells well in advance. The shelf life of the shells is a maximum of 3 months when well packaged.

If you don’t find flavoring paste in your city; replace with 4 tablespoons of diet red fruit jelly or good quality, low-sugar jelly.

There are no limits to creativity when decorating spoon eggs.

If you are going to use chocolate sprinkles to decorate, use Belgian chocolate (split 9M) or use mini chocolate shavings.

To sell, buy packaging suitable for spoon eggs. The spoon you place in the box must be small and made of metal and never plastic.

Take care with the decoration and packaging of the eggs!


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