A video starring the renowned Colombian singer Maluma in an Oxxo store in Monterrey, Mexico quickly went viral on social networks. The Paisa artist, whose given name is Juan Luis LondoƱo Arias, He entered the place with a group of friends and made the cashier curious.

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When approaching to pay, Maluma, in the company of urban music artist Blessd and another man, joked with the Oxxo cashier who told him: “You look like Maluma.”

At this, the group burst into laughter and Maluma replied to the cashier: ā€œHow am I similar to Maluma? In the nose? In the Greek profile? ā€œThey tell me that very often.ā€

The images of the meeting were shared on social networks, where followers reacted with displeasure at the singer’s attitude.

Comments like: ā€œYour wording is pedanticā€, ā€œhow arrogantā€ or ā€œslobā€ They flooded social platforms.

This meeting took place while Maluma was in Monterrey for the Kings World Cup Final Four, where he was in charge of the main show.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/cajera-de-una-tienda-atendio-a-maluma-pero-creyo-que-era-un-doble-te-pareces-a-maluma-rg10

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