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Squash season is in full swing, so it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Today, we’re sharing a perfect recipe for fall: stuffed butternut. It was nutritionist Laura, better known under the nickname @nutrituvi, who shared this balanced and tasty recipe on her Instagram account, ideal for the month of October.

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This preparation, very easy to make, turns out to be particularly complete and ideal for people who would like to reduce their meat consumption. In fact, the nutritionist explains that “lentils can replace meat in a recipe”. She adds that we find all the nutrients necessary on a daily basis:“Proteins: lentils / Vegetables: spinach and butternut / Starches: mix of cereals / Fat: olive oil and coconut cream”. This recipe therefore represents a very healthy and balanced dish in addition to being delicious and comforting for fall. So here’s how to make it at home.

For the ingredients you will need:

  • 1/2 butternut
  • 100g dried lentils
  • 300g spinach
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 200ml coconut cream
  • 80g quinoa/rice mix (or just quinoa)
  • Sel
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg
  1. Start by browning an onion, a clove of garlic and some spinach in a saucepan in a drizzle of olive oil.
  2. Add the coconut cream, lentils and cereals that have been cooked beforehand. Finish by adding the squash cream. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
  3. Cut the butternut in half. Remove the seeds (do not throw them away as you can cook them). Cut the butternut before baking it in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes so that it becomes soft.
  4. Then, add the lentil mixture to the butternut. Place everything in the oven for another 5 to 10 minutes so that it is nice and hot.

All you have to do is enjoy!


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