“LWe are pleased to announce the complete shutdown of communications and internet services in Gaza after the Israeli side shut down the servers,” Paltel said in a statement.
Shortly after the blackout, the Israeli army launched intense bombings in Gaza City and other areas in the north of the Gaza Strip.
The explosions were so intense that they could be heard in Rafah, in the extreme south of Palestinian territory, according to an AFP journalist at the scene.
On October 7, Hamas – classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel – carried out an attack of unprecedented dimensions on Israeli territory, killing more than 1,400 people, most of them civilians, and more than 200 hostages. which he holds captive in the Gaza Strip.
Israel then began strong retaliation against that poor Palestinian enclave, controlled by Hamas since 2007, with cuts in the supply of food, water, electricity and fuel and daily bombings, followed by a ground offensive that completed the siege on Thursday. city ​​of Gaza.
On October 27, Israel began a ground incursion that has already advanced to Gaza City, the main city in the Gaza Strip.
Read Also: Tel Aviv accuses Hamas of using hospitals in Gaza to hide tunnels
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2434462/linhas-telefonicas-e-internet-novamente-cortadas-em-gaza