Ten children lose one or both legs in the Gaza Strip on average every day, said this Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the head of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini.

>>>At least 21,000 children are missing in Gaza due to the war

In general, every day we have an average of 10 children who lose one or two legs.“said the official during a press conference in Geneva, adding that this figure did not include children who lose an arm or a hand.

He indicated that it is based on figures from the UN children’s agency (UNICEF).

Ten a day, that’s about 2,000 children after more than 260 days of this brutal war.“Lazzarini highlighted.

“We also know that most amputations are carried out in horrible conditions and sometimes without any anesthesia. That also applies to children,” he stressed.

The Gaza Strip is subjected to incessant bombing and ground operations by the Israeli Army in retaliation for the unprecedented attack carried out by the Islamist movement Hamas on Israeli territory on October 7, from Gaza.

Missing children in Gaza

Lazzarini also mentioned a report published Monday by la ONG Save the Children what estimates that since the start of the war “up to 21,000 children are missing” in the Gaza Stripeither because they are buried under rubble, prisoners, buried in anonymous graves or they have lost contact with their family and loved ones.

Although figures are difficult to collect and verify, there are at least 17,000 unaccompanied children and approximately 4,000 children likely missing under the rubble, according to the NGO.

Lazzarini also warned that UNRWA only has the money necessary for its operations “until the end of August.”

The UN agencywhich plays a crucial role in helping the people of the Gaza Strip, ssuffered a significant cut in its funding after Israel accused some of its 13,000 employees in the area of ​​having participated in the Hamas attack over Israeli territory on October 7.

>>>At least 47 dead and 121 injured in Gaza due to incessant Israeli attacks

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/diez-ninos-pierden-una-o-dos-piernas-al-dia-por-guerra-brutal-en-gaza-denuncia-la-onu-cb20

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