The number of deaths in the fire of a residential building in Valencia, Spain, rises to ten, after this Saturday, February 24, the Scientific and Judicial Police located a new body in the burned building, reported the Spanish Government Delegation in the region of the Valencian Community.

Early in the morning, agents from the Scientific and Judicial Police brigade re-entered the building to inspect it and located the body, which is added to the nine found on Friday and which would correspond to a person who was missing.

The delegate of the Spanish Government in the Valencian Community, Pilar Bernabé, assured the media that The building will continue to be reviewed “inch by inch”, although it is not expected that there will be more fatalities.

Bernabé explained that the work is very complex and there is a lot of debris inside the building.

At the same time, he highlighted that the victims are in the identification phase, an equally complicated task that requires DNA tests to do so with all guarantees, although we will try to do it as soon as possible. Consequently, he considered it premature to talk about a date for the funeral.

The bodies of the fatal victims were transferred to the Institute of Legal Medicine of Valencia, where the teams have been reinforced to perform autopsies.

The Government delegate confirmed that two firefighters injured in the fire are still hospitalized and expressed special recognition to the members of this body: “It was very hard and We saw firefighters who thought that at that moment they were saying goodbye to their jobs and even their lives. We saw terrible images“.

This Saturday, the city is experiencing its second day of official mourning for the fire that destroyed a building with 138 homes on Thursday.

During the night, a firefighter checkpoint was kept in the area of ​​the burned building as a preventive measure, along with the security device.

In his memory, a minute of silence was observed at noon on Saturday (local time) in the Town Hall square of this city in eastern Spain, with about 800,000 inhabitants.

Of the people who lived in this two-block building, about a hundred spent the night in hotels in the city, where it is estimated that they could spend a week waiting to access a building with 131 homes recently acquired by the City Council and which will be made available to you.

The investigation into the causes of the accident remains under summary secrecy., while the surroundings continue to be closed to traffic and with police surveillance. The area is still fenced to facilitate investigation tasks and some citizens place bouquets of flowers.

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, traveled to Valencia on Friday to offer all the necessary help from the Executive.


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