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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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Real little treats, madeleines are appreciated by young and old gourmets. To accompany a coffee, take a little break in the afternoon or slipped into the little one’s snack bag, they are timeless. Here is a recipe for soft and light madeleines, where yogurt replaces butter.

To get perfect madeleines, let the dough rest in the fridge for an hour (or even overnight). This resting time in the fridge allows the flavors to develop and guarantees an airy texture.

And to get that famous hump that makes madeleines so charming, pour the very cold batter into the molds. The thermal shock will encourage the development of a pretty hump in the center of each cupcake. Above all, do not fill the molds to the brim. Too much batter could result in madeleines that are too thick.

Once cooked, let the madeleines cool slightly before unmolding them. You can use a spatula to easily remove them from the molds. These madeleines will be delicious, served still warm. If you don’t eat them all, you can store them in an airtight container so that they keep all their softness. It is also possible to freeze them in freezer bags or tightly closed boxes.

To vary the pleasures, you can incorporate small apple cubes, chocolate chips or coconut shavings into the dough. A grated citrus zest or a few drops of vanilla flavoring can also be good options.


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