A tragic accident occurred in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, when a man was hit by a freight train while sleeping on the tracks. The victim, identified as Leonardo Juárez, was rescued alive, but died shortly after arriving at the hospital due to the severity of his injuries.

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According to the first investigations, Juárez would have gone to sleep on the rails. However, a freight train carrying 70 cars loaded with soybeans passed by and ran over him. Despite warning signals from the train drivers, the man did not move in time.

According to information collected by Todo Noticias, The neighbors quickly alerted the Police and members of the Gramilla Subpolice Station moved to the scene.

The train driver and his companion reported that, while crossing the city before reaching the second level crossing, they saw it on the tracks and, although they tried to brake, they were unable to stop the train in time.

The train stopped and, with the help of neighbors, the drivers managed to rescue the subject from under the cars. He was taken to a district hospital, where he finally died from his multiple injuries.

At the scene of the accident, the sub-police station personnel collected data for the investigation and found two cases of wine, leading investigators to consider the possibility that he was intoxicated at the time of impact, which is why he would not have heard the train arrive.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/tren-atropello-a-un-hombre-que-se-quedo-dormido-sobre-las-vias-rg10

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