The feared Venezuelan criminal gang the Tren de Aragua was included in the list of gangs that could pose a threat to the public safety of the United States.

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For United States Customs and Border Protection, The criminal organization of the Tren de Aragua already represents a serious threat. Between 2023 and so far this year 47 alleged members of the Aragua Train have been arrested, trying to enter irregularly through the southern border of the United States.

According to the report from the border authorities, this criminal gang already ranks sixth in arrests on the border among 53 gangs that are part of the list.

Criminal lawyer Luis Izquiel said that “they commit crimes such as human trafficking, they follow the Venezuelan migration route and become victims also to Venezuelans who emigrate. “They are also dedicated in several countries to controlling prostitution, micro-trafficking, kidnappings, and extortion.”

In the United States, the alarms went off when members of the Aragua Train were detected, such as Edwin Camejo, 27, arrested in Chicago for drug trafficking, and Irwin Salazar, 23, arrested in Miami for robbery, kidnapping and murder, and two others, Kelvin Cerdita, 19, and Wilson Juárez, 21, arrested in New York for attacking two police officers.

According to specialists, one of the greatest difficulties in combating Tren de Aragua is the little collaboration of Venezuelan institutions.

“They provide little information about the criminal members of this gang who emigrated and There are always difficulties in exchanging criminal intelligence information relating to this gang. In fact, recently a minister of Nicolás Maduro’s government indicated that this gang did not exist for their purposes,” said Luis Izquiel, criminal lawyer and professor of Criminology.

Even Mexican authorities have also expressed concern about the increase in the presence of the Aragua Train in the border region.

>>> You can also read: A leader of the Aragua Train fell in Bogotá: he was one of the most wanted in the world


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