DDonald Trump stated that one of his first acts, if re-elected, would be to pardon the people accused of carrying out the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

In a post on its social network, Truth Social, on Monday night, referred to these people as “hostages”.

“My first acts as the next president will be to close the border and release unjustly detained hostages on January 6th!” Trump wrote.

Although the former president has already said he will reject charges against the protesters if elected, the publication is the closest Trump has come to saying that pardoning the Capitol attack protesters is a priority.

It should be remembered that on January 6, 2021, around 10 thousand people, mostly Trump supporters, went to the Capitol. Around 2,500 stormed the building and hundreds clashed with security forces.

More than 770 people have been charged with federal crimes in connection with the riots. More than 250 of them pleaded guilty, mainly to infractions, and more than 140 of them were sentenced.

Read Also: Biden and Trump could secure their parties’ nominations this week

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2520172/trump-diz-que-vai-perdoar-condenados-do-ataque-ao-capitolio-se-for-eleito

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