A violent assault occurred at the jewelry store PNG Jewelers in Sunnyvale, located in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, when approximately twenty thieves broke into the premises.

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The assailants, armed with tools to break display cases, quickly looted the store, taking precious stone necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings. In addition, the jewelry store had 24-karat gold coins and bars.

Security cameras captured the moment when the workers, alerted by the noise of the door being destroyed, They took refuge in the back of the establishment, allowing the thieves to act unhindered. Fortunately, there were no customers in the store during the robbery.

The authorities began a chase during which the suspects threw some of the stolen jewelry out of car windows.

And after an intense operation that lasted several hours, five suspects were arrested.

The total amount of stolen loot is still being calculated. and the authorities continue to search for the rest of those involved.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/veintena-de-ladrones-robo-joyeria-en-menos-de-tres-minutos-y-todo-quedo-en-video-rg10

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