“A starting from tomorrow [sexta-feira]we are going to launch a pilot training program and the transfer of these planes”, said Emmanuel Macron in an interview with France 2 and TF1, noting that the objective is to “train 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers (…) equip and train them” until the end of the year, without the intention of provoking an escalation in the conflict with Russia.

The French President did not specify the number of French combat aircraft that will be sent to Ukraine with this “new cooperation”, which “will allow Ukraine to protect its soil and airspace”.

Asked about sending military instructors to Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron considered that “there should be no taboo on this subject”, since “Ukrainian soil is sovereign”.

“It’s not about going to train in the combat zone, but when Ukraine faces a challenge, we must respond as we always have,” he argued.

The French head of state met today with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the landing of allied troops in Normandy, France, which began the decisive military operation to end the Second World War, at a time in which Europe is set against the backdrop of war.

“Today, Ukraine is a nation that is resisting and, in doing so, Russia has betrayed a little the message of Liberation and D-Day”, continued Macron, repeating that “peace cannot be the capitulation of Ukraine” .

Russia, invited 10 years ago and a former ally of the United States and the United Kingdom against Nazi Germany, was formally excluded from the ceremonies by the organization due to the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Read Also: Kyiv’s “Secret” announces destruction of yet another Russian ship in Crimea

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2576117/ucrania-macron-promete-entrega-de-avioes-mirage-e-formacao-de-soldados

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