Dand according to a source from those secret services, cited by the RBK media group, the fire that broke out at the gas terminal operated by the Russian company Novatek in Ust-Luga, was caused by the impact of a Ukrainian drone.
“The attack was precise. It caused a huge fire, which has not yet been extinguished”, said the aforementioned source, adding that the Russians were forced to “evacuate the workers”.
Before RBK provided this information, the company Novatek had issued a statement stating that, according to “preliminary information, the fire was caused by an external factor”, without providing further details.
In the same statement, Novatek said there was no record of victims, no danger or threat to the life and health of workers, and that the fire was “localized”.
The liquefied gas terminal, where the explosion occurred, is located 110 kilometers west of Saint Petersburg and around 1,000 kilometers from the border with Ukraine, and the aforementioned source from the Ukrainian military secret services stated that it is there that it is processed “the fuel that, specifically, goes to the Russian army”.
“A successful attack against this terminal not only causes economic losses to the enemy, depriving him of the opportunity to earn money from the war in Ukraine, but also significantly complicates the Russian army’s fuel logistics,” he further noted.
The Leningrad region, where this terminal is located, was the scene this week of two attacks against oil deposits on Russian soil, both claimed by Kiev.
Ukrainian military intelligence told the media that the target in Tula, south of Moscow, was a factory where the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile systems are produced, while the attack in Smolensk (west) targeted an aircraft factory. .
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2485024/servicos-secretos-ucranianos-reivindicam-ataque-a-terminal-de-gas-russo