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Here is a way to work with zucchini, this vegetable rich in fiber and vitamins very popular during the summer period. When eaten raw, zucchini retains its nutrients more, which is why zucchini salad is an ideal option to do your body good. In this recipe acclaimed by 750g readers and rated 4.5/5, we suggest you pair it with feta and fresh mint for even more flavors.

For 4 people

Preparation: 15 mins

1. Start by washing the courgettes by running them under cold water. Using a vegetable peeler, peel every other rib to obtain an alternation of colours. Then cut ribbons lengthwise with a knife or a mandolin.

2. Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice into a bowl. Add the olive oil, salt, pepper and mix.

3. Chop fresh mint leaves and cut a red onion into thin strips. Pour the zucchini ribbons, mint, red onion into the salad bowl and mix everything together.

4. Cut the feta into small cubes and sprinkle them over your salad. You can also add a few whole mint leaves for decoration.

5. Be sure to consume your dish quickly because zucchini can release a little water.

Do not hesitate to use yellow zucchini for even more colors: they are practically identical in taste, the slightly thinner skin of the yellow zucchini gives it a very pleasant texture. You can also have fun with the cheeses by replacing the feta with fresh goat cheese or even ricotta. However, be sure to keep a fresh cheese that goes best with raw zucchini.


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