O Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Gilad Erdan, considered, this Wednesday, that the resolution approved by the organization that calls for the implementation of humanitarian pauses in the fighting in Gaza and the creation of humanitarian corridors “makes no sense” and is “disconnected from reality”. This is because, in his view, “Hamas terrorists will not even read the resolution, much less comply with it.”

“The UN Security Council resolution is disconnected from reality and is meaningless. Regardless of what the Council decides, Israel will continue to act in accordance with international law, while Hamas terrorists will not even read the resolution, let alone they will comply with it”, wrote the person responsible, on the social network X (Twitter).

Erdan also considered it “regrettable” that the organization “continues to ignore, not condemn, or even mention the massacre carried out by Hamas on October 7, which led to the war in Gaza.”

“It’s really shameful!” he accused, at the same time pointing out that “Hamas’ strategy consists of deliberately deteriorating the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and increasing the number of Palestinian victims, in order to motivate the UN and the Security Council to stop Israel.”

Regarding this last point, the ambassador was adamant: “That will not happen. Israel will continue to act until Hamas is destroyed and the hostages are released.”

It should be noted that the UN resolution, authored by Malta, received 12 votes in favor and three abstentions, namely from the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia. The document, which was approved this Wednesday, has a strong humanitarian angle, giving special emphasis to children in Gaza.

Despite being led by Malta, this draft resolution was the result of the work of the 10 non-permanent members of the Security Council, who decided to act in light of the vetoes presented by permanent members to the previous four projects that were voted on and ended up being rejected.

After Hamas’ surprise attack on Israeli territory, called ‘Al-Aqsa Storm’, Israel bombed from the air several installations of that armed group in the Gaza Strip, in an operation it called ‘Iron Swords’.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel is “at war” with Hamas, a group considered terrorist by Israel, the United States and the European Union (EU), having agreed with the opposition to create an emergency government national and a war cabinet.

Read Also: IDF shows videos of weapons stored in hospital. Hamas calls it a “sham”

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2441928/resolucao-da-onu-nao-tem-sentido-terroristas-nem-sequer-lerao

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