“OOur colleagues at the World Food Program say we have temporarily suspended operations at the floating dock until there is an assessment of conditions to ensure the safety of our staff and partners,” said Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary-General.

Asked about the reasons for the interruption, Dujarric pointed to Saturday’s Israeli operation to free four hostages in Nusseirat, which according to Hamas authorities left 274 dead and 698 injured.

“We saw what happened in Gaza over the weekend, we saw certain information in the media and we took note of the public statement by the US Centcom command stating that the pier was not used in the operation by Israeli forces linked to the hostages,” he said.

“I believe it is normal that after an operation that claimed so many victims, our colleagues from humanitarian agencies take a break to analyze the situation,” he said, adding that he hoped operations could resume soon.

On Saturday, the US army announced that it had resumed the delivery of humanitarian aid from the pier built by the United States on the coast of Gaza and which was damaged in a storm in late May.

However, the maritime unrest did not allow aid to land on Sunday and today, a Pentagon spokesperson said, adding that he expected it to resume on Tuesday.

After disembarking, it is the PAM that is responsible for directing the trucks to the depots where the aid is made available to UN agencies or non-governmental organizations for distribution.

Read Also: UN Security Council votes today on US ceasefire proposal

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2578194/onu-suspende-operacoes-a-partir-de-cais-norte-americano-em-gaza

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