“Nthe Middle East, what do you think they started buying first? The 155 caliber cartridges. Our deliveries have decreased”, highlighted the Ukrainian head of state, speaking to a small group of media.

Israel, which has military support from the United States, has been relentlessly bombing the Gaza Strip since Hamas fighters massacred hundreds of civilians in an unprecedented attack in early October.

“It’s not as if the United States said: we don’t give anything to Ukraine. No! We have serious and very powerful relations,” assured Zelensky, quoted by France-Presse (AFP).

“It’s normal, everyone is fighting to survive. I’m not saying it’s something positive, but it’s life and we have to defend what’s ours”, he stressed.

Russia and Ukraine have struggled to maintain their artillery arsenals after almost two years of war since Moscow’s invasion of the neighboring country.

South Korea said Russia’s ally Pyongyang sent a million artillery shells to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in exchange for Moscow’s satellite expertise.

For its part, Germany highlighted this week that the European Union (EU) would not meet the target of sending one million artillery shells to Ukraine, despite efforts.

“Today we have problems with artillery shells of caliber 155 millimeters,” lamented Zelensky.

All over the world “warehouses are now empty or there is a legal minimum that this or that particular State cannot provide”, he explained.

Zelensky welcomed, however, efforts made by the United States to increase production of this type of ammunition.

The Ukrainian President also highlighted that Russia is stockpiling missiles for attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure in the winter. Ukraine expects a new wave of Russian attacks on its energy grid, as occurred in the previous winter, when millions of Ukrainians were left without heating or electricity while facing low temperatures.

“I think we are better prepared for winter than before. But I don’t think Russia will use fewer weapons. It will be a difficult winter”, he stressed, noting that his country’s air defense is stronger.

Zelensky further estimated that the Ukrainian army can shoot down 75-80% of the Iranian-made explosive drones that Russia frequently uses, especially during its night attacks.

The Ukrainian official also analyzed the recent meeting between his counterparts from the United States and China, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, respectively, considering that it was good for his country.

Zelensky said he could not confirm whether Biden and Xi discussed the war in Ukraine, but recalled that the Russian invasion had to be “addressed in one way or another.”

China never condemned the Russian invasion and has strengthened its economic, diplomatic and military cooperation with Moscow since the beginning of this conflict.

For its part, Joe Biden’s administration is Kyiv’s main support in the West and has provided multiple tranches of financial and military aid.

Read Also: Russian missile attacks cause deaths in Donetsk and Zaporizhia

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2442828/guerra-no-medio-oriente-atrasa-entregas-de-municoes-a-kyiv-diz-zelensky

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