O Philanthropist and businessman, aged 93, who holds almost 130,000 million dollars (121,333 million euros) in Berkshire Hathaway shares, told the newspaper that the three children must unanimously decide for what philanthropic purposes the money will be used.

“I feel very, very good about the values ​​of my three children and I trust 100% in the way they will do things”, reinforced Warren Buffett, tenth on the Forbes list of richest people, in an interview with the WSJ that was published on Friday.

The billionaire has already donated more than half of his shares in Berkshire.

Although billions from his empire have gone to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Buffett indicated to the newspaper that when he dies, he will stop donating to this foundation.

From 2006 to 2023, Buffett donated 39.3 billion dollars to the Gates Foundation, according to information available on his website.

Buffett said he did not give his children, Susie (71), Howie (69) and Peter Buffett (66), any instructions on what to do with his legacy.

“It should be used to help people who weren’t as lucky as us […]. There are 8 billion people in the world, and my children and I are among the luckiest 100% of the 1%. There are many ways to help people,” he stressed.

Buffett noted that throughout his life he has been able to think outside the box, but when he is buried, his children, “from the surface,” will be able to do a great job.

Read Also: Warren Buffett compares the impact of AI to that of nuclear weapons

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2589456/warren-buffett-vai-deixar-fortuna-a-fundacao-supervisionada-pelos-filhos

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