O The Western world will be applying greater pressure on Tel Aviv to postpone the ground invasion of the Gaza strip, says the Al Jazeera agency, warning of the growing anger of the families of hostages captured by Hamas and held in Gaza.

According to the same news agency, Western governments will be trying to get Israel to wait until there is news about possible hostage releases, after Hamas handed over two American hostages on Friday, in an agreement brokered by Qatar.

Asked about the matter, this Saturday, US President Joe Biden gave a telegraphic response, without providing any great details: “I have been talking to the Israelis.”

At the same time, the families of the hostages who are still under the control of Hamas in Gaza have expressed their displeasure with the Israeli government, also putting pressure on it to postpone the start of the land invasion of the territory. This is because they want to see if it is possible to secure the release of a few more hostages before Tel Aviv enters Gaza.

This Saturday, Hamas claimed it was willing to release two more Israeli hostages, but Israel refused to receive them. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office only said it was “lying propaganda”, to which it would not even respond.

The Islamist movement Hamas launched an attack on Israeli territory on October 7, triggering an escalation of violence with Israel. To date, several thousand civilian deaths have resulted, both in Gaza and Israel, in addition to disappearances and a worsening of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

Read Also: Israeli army says there are 210 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2424775/cresce-a-pressao-ocidental-para-que-israel-adie-invasao-terrestre-de-gaza

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