In the field of language learning, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) provides a widely accepted standard for measuring proficiency in English and other languages. However, there is still some doubt about what the highest level of English is and what is mastered at this level.

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What are the levels of English in Colombia?

To assess language proficiency, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) is used, a standardized system that classifies language skills into different levels.

This framework organizes language knowledge into six levels, grouped into three main categories: A (basic), B (intermediate) and C (advanced). These levels allow for a detailed assessment of English proficiency, facilitating the identification of the degree of competence in various areas of communication.

Basic levels of English (A1 and A2)

Level A1, corresponding to the initial level of competence, indicates that the individual can participate in simple conversations and understand frequently used everyday expressions. Speakers at this level are able to handle elementary vocabulary and interact in basic situations. On the other hand, level A2 represents an improvement over A1, with a wider vocabulary and the ability to use verb tenses other than the present. Speakers at level A2 can maintain a more fluid conversation and answer questions more coherently.

Intermediate levels of English (B1 and B2)

Level B1 indicates a more developed ability in language comprehension and production. Speakers at this level are able to understand simple texts and produce writing with a clear structure, although an extensive vocabulary is not yet required.

Level B2, however, requires a deeper understanding of complex texts and an ability to interact fluently with native speakers. Individuals at level B2 can discuss a variety of topics naturally and understand different nuances of language.

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Advanced levels of English (C1 and C2)

Level C1 represents an advanced command of the language. Speakers can understand a wide range of complex texts and produce information fluently, both orally and in writing. This level implies a considerable command of grammar and vocabulary, allowing the user to communicate effectively in demanding professional and academic contexts. Level C2 is the highest on the CEFR scale, and is often considered to be a near-native level. Speakers at level C2 can understand and use English accurately in any context, showing almost complete competence in all areas of the language.

According to W Radio, academic institutions and official organizations such as the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and the British Consulate are responsible for certifying levels of English proficiency. These certificates provide a formal assessment of language proficiency, supported by standardized tests that reflect the level achieved according to the CEFR.


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