“A WHO calls on Hamas to release the civilian hostages,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who described the Palestinian movement’s attacks against Israel as “unjustified”, “horrible”, “barbaric and must be condemned”.
The WHO leader added that he was “very concerned” about Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians.
“Civilians and innocent children are paying the price”, warned Tedros Ghebreyesus, at the World Health Summit in Berlin.
The WHO “continues to call on Israel to respect its obligations under international law to protect civilians and health infrastructure”, he stressed.
The war between Israel and Hamas, which left thousands dead on both sides, was triggered after a bloody and unprecedented attack launched on October 7 by Hamas against Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, under the control of the movement Palestinian Islam.
Faced with retaliatory Israeli airstrikes against the Gaza Strip and after calls from the army to evacuate northern Palestinian territory, more than a million people were displaced in a week in this 362 km2 territory, which has a total of 2.4 million of inhabitants, according to the UN.
“Asking 1.1 million people to move from north to south in such a short time will create a humanitarian tragedy,” warned the head of the WHO.
Around 155 people were kidnapped by Hamas, according to the latest figures provided by Israel, which announced that it had found “corpses” of hostages during incursions into Gaza.
Hamas reported 22 hostages killed in Israeli attacks.
Read Also: Death toll rises to 2,670 in Gaza Strip
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2420652/lider-da-oms-apela-ao-hamas-para-que-liberte-os-refens-civis-israelitas