The authorities of Quito, the capital of Ecuadorthey managed to intervene and stop the suicide attempt of a woman who was going to jump off a bridge with her daughtera minor, in arms.

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According to the information revealed by Ecuavisa, this emergency took place on a bridge located on the slope of Pichincha Avenue, in Quito.

The first versions revealed that the woman She was sitting on the railing of the bridge and with the girl in her arms.. A situation that alarmed the authorities, who feared a tragedy.

The uniformed officers who arrived at the scene began to talk to the young woman to prevent her from ending her life. After several minutes of pure tension, she decided to get off the bridge along with her daughter.

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At that time they provided care to both. That media outlet confirmed that the two are safe.

Mental health care lines in Colombia

If you do not feel well mentally or emotionally and want to be heard, you can contact one of these numbers, accounts or chats:

  • Line 106.
  • Psychoactive line: 01 8000 112 439.
  • Purple Line: 01 8000 112 137.
  • Calma Line: 01 8000 423 614.
  • WhatsApp: 333 0333588.
  • Instagram: @hablandosolas.

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