The unusual story of a Brazilian woman identified as Érika de Souza, who took his dead uncle to a bank in Rio de Janeiro to withdraw a loan, continues to travel around the world.
It was learned that this woman was released by the Brazilian authorities, although the proceedings for the crimes of desecration of a corpse, attempted fraud and embezzlement of funds remain active.
According to TV Globo, the judge in the case, Luciana Mocco, refused to keep Érika de Souza detained, since, for her, she does not represent a danger to public order, so she released her provisionally.
>> More about the case: Woman enters bank with a corpse to make him sign a loan: incredible video
The judge mentioned in her decision that “despite the great impact of the case on national and international networks, since the video taken inside the bank branch was widely disseminated on social networks, “The exceptional measure of deprivation of liberty is not justified.”
This is how the events occurred
De Souza appeared at a bank in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the body of his uncle, to withdraw a loan of 17,000 reais, almost 13 million Colombian pesos.
In a video recorded by bank employees, you can see the woman trying in various ways to hold her uncle’s lifeless body, which made the bank’s workers suspicious, who decided to call the authorities.
Woman takes dead person to withdraw R$17,000 from bank: ‘If you don’t sign, there’s no way’, she told the manager
Érika de Souza Vieira Nunes took the corpse in a wheelchair to sign a loan pic.twitter.com/YqkEVGzwgi
— Fernando Santos (@PortalAmazonMix) April 17, 2024
The person in charge of the bank branch stated that “She tried to pretend that he signed it. He already entered the bank dead.”
The authorities arrived at the site, found that Paulo Roberto Braga had been dead for a few hours and took the body to Forensic Medicine.
“Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign. If you don’t sign, there is no way. I can’t sign for you. Sign so as not to give me any more headaches,” Érika de Souza said to the inert body of her relative.
The financial institution stated that it called the authorities as soon as it became aware of the attempted scam and stated that it was willing to collaborate with the justice system to clarify the case.
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-que-llevo-a-su-tio-muerto-a-un-banco-para-retirar-dinero-fue-dejada-en-libertad-rg10