The murder of an eight-year-old girl sparked anger in the southern Mexican city of Taxco, whose residents lynched the alleged perpetrator, in a case that aggravates the security crisis in that tourist town devastated by organized crime.
The lynching occurred on Holy Thursday, March 28, 2024, after Dozens of residents blocked one of the main avenues of the city, about 170 km from Mexico City, hours after the body of the murdered minor was found on a road.
In a statement, the Prosecutor’s Office of the state of Guerrero, to which Taxco belongs, reported that the murder of the girl is being investigated as “feminicide” and “the qualified homicide” of the lynched woman. “My solidarity is with the family (of the minor), the future is not understood without justice,” wrote the governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado, this Good Friday.
After the blockade, The locals moved to a house where the woman was along with two men, demanding that the Police arrest her.
It had previously circulated on networks a video from security cameras of the moment in which the woman and a man allegedly put a black bag in the trunk of a car, where the dead minor would be.
In the absence of an arrest warrant, The locals took the woman and two more men out, one of those that would be in the images. The three were beaten with kicks and sticks. The two men are in Taxco hospitals.
The Mexican Police did not prevent the lynching because The angry mob had doused them with gasoline.
The girl disappeared on Wednesday, March 27 and her mother received anonymous calls asking for money to free her, a relative told local media.
The body of the little girl, identified as Camila Gómez, was handed over to her relatives to perform her funeral honors, which took place this Good Friday.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/nina-de-8-anos-fue-asesinada-en-mexico-y-una-comunidad-enardecida-lincho-a-la-presunta-responsable-cb20