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Pizza lends itself to a multitude of variations depending on everyone’s tastes and preferences. However, the success of this Italian specialty depends largely on the judicious choice of ingredients, particularly cheese. If you aspire to achieve culinary perfection when preparing your homemade pizza, then it is essential to know which cheeses to incorporate and which to avoid at all costs. Chef Julien Serri, pizza specialist, shared his expertise on this subject with the Women’s Journal.
At the top of the list of cheeses to avoid sits the famous hard cheeses. Indeed, “These cheeses tend to be high in fat or melt less easily, which can alter the texture and taste of the pizza”explains the culinary expert. Cheese specialties such as grated Emmental or grated Comté should therefore definitely be banned.. Not only can their taste be bland and unauthentic, but they also melt unevenly on the pizza, leaving behind an unappetizing rubbery texture. These cheeses brown particularly well when cooked and the fat that composes them does not blend harmoniously with the other ingredients. We therefore reserve them for our potato or pasta gratin.
Chef Julien Serri therefore recommends soft cheeses such as mozzarella or taleggio. “These cheeses tend to be high in fat or melt less easily, which can alter the texture and taste of the pizza”, he says. If you want to make a four-cheese pizza, preferably add gorgonzola “in the middle or at the very end of cooking”, adds the specialist. This will retain the flavor of the cheese without compromising its texture.