Porn actress Stormy Daniels feels “a little vindicated” after the guilty verdict against the former US president Donald Trump for buying her silence after having an adulterous relationship with her.

>>> What are the political implications after the verdict against Donald Trump in the US?

Daniels “feels a little vindicated by proving that she was telling the truth” after this long judicial process in which she has been the protagonist, explained her husband Barrett Blade, who is also an adult film actor, in an interview with CNN.

Stormy Daniels is still “processing all of this,” explained Blade, who assured that the actress has been waiting for this news for a long time.

“This wouldn’t have happened without her, but it wasn’t her case either.”said Blade, who added that he was not sure that this recognition of his wife after the sentence could “be important” because there are people who “are not going to believe him.”

Nevertheless, “it’s going to be hard for her, now all the mega idiots (who don’t believe her) will come after her and create more fuss than necessary because facts are facts and I don’t think they’ll see them”the actor complained.

Trump was found guilty on Thursday of 34 crimes in a criminal trial held in New York, based on a trail of checks, incorrect invoices and refunds to buy Stormy Daniels’ silence for a sexual relationship in a Lake Tahoe suite .

The jury found it proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knowingly and willfully falsified reimbursements to his then-loyal collaborator and legal advisor Michael Cohen in the amount of $420,000. with the intention of hiding the payment to Daniels before the 2016 elections, in exchange for keeping his secrets.

>>> Why was Donald Trump found guilty in the United States?


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