The US president, Joe Biden, ordered new restrictions on the entry of migrants on Tuesday in order to “secure” the border between the United States and Mexico, a drastic measure on a key issue in the November presidential elections.

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“I came here today to do what Republicans in Congress refuse to do, take the necessary steps to secure our border…, let’s fix the problem and stop fighting over it,” Biden said at the White House.

The president announced earlier the temporary closure of the border with Mexico when the number of irregular entries into the country exceeds the threshold of 2,500 cases in a single day.

The 81-year-old Democratic leader will sign a decree that will allow authorities to suspend the entry of asylum seekers and migrants when that limit is exceeded., the White House reported. The text will also facilitate deportations to Mexico.

The White House assured through its spokesman Andrew Bates that for the president “the safety of American families must always come first” and that the measure will prevent those who cross the southern border illegally from receiving asylum.

Authorities noted that the restrictions are expected to take effect immediately, as illegal migrant crossings already exceed the threshold of 2,500 per day.

Likewise, the text provides that the border will be reopened when the daily number of asylum seekers is less than 1,500 people.

Trump’s rhetoric

Biden is trying to change his immigration policy after opinion polls revealed that this issue will have a lot of weight in achieving re-election in his revenge against the magnate and former Republican president Donald Trump (2017-2021).

Trump’s campaign team dismissed this initiative in a statement, considering that it is not designed “for border security,” and repeated the Republican’s message that constantly insists that irregular immigrants are responsible for the increase in violent crimes in the United States. , accusation without basis in official data.

The magnate spent his term announcing his intention to build a wall on the border with Mexico and intensified his anti-immigration rhetoric to return to the White House.

“Millions of people have entered our country, and now, after almost four years of your weak and failed leadership, your pathetic leadership, corrupt Joe Biden finally intends to do something about the border“Trump, 77, exclaimed in a video posted Tuesday on his Truth Social network.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Trump ally, quickly called Biden’s move “window dressing.”

However, the White House has highlighted that Biden is trying to address an immigration system that has “failed for decades” and blames Republicans in Congress for not cooperating and blocking billions of dollars for border policies.

He looks at re-election

Biden aims to defuse Republican attacks and court undecided voters concerned about the immigration situation at the border.

But his plan is sure to anger members and activists of the left wing of the Democratic Party and will almost certainly be challenged in court by civil rights groups.

More than 2.4 million migrants crossed the southern border of the United States alone in 2023. Most come from Central America and Venezuela fleeing poverty, violence and natural disasters intensified by climate change.

The figure reached a record of 10,000 people per day in December, although this number has fallen in recent months.

The Biden government has tried to stop crossings by working in coordination with Mexico and other countries to reduce migratory flows through economic policies and the application of more restrictive laws, but polls show that it has not done enough for voters.

Biden spoke on Monday with Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman elected president of Mexico, to congratulate her on her resounding victory on Sunday and promise a “strong and collaborative partnership” on issues such as migration.

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