Venezuela’s Attorney General’s Office announced on Wednesday an investigation, for “conspiracy” and other crimes, into the website where the majority opposition claims to have published 83.5% of the presidential election records. of July 28, which, according to this anti-Chavez sector, show the victory of its standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia, despite the fact that the electoral body declared Nicolás Maduro the winner.

>>> Read also: Carter Center says there is “no evidence” that Venezuelan elections were hacked

According to a statement released on X by Attorney General Tarek William Saab, these are “forged or falsified documents” with which the majority opposition – grouped in the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – intends to “usurp functions of the National Electoral Council (CNE).”

“It was decided to initiate a criminal investigation against those responsible for the publication and maintenance of said page, for the crimes of usurpation of functions, forgery of public documents, incitement to disobedience to the law, computer crimes, association and conspiracy“, the Prosecutor’s Office said.

What do Venezuelans say about this decision?

However, numerous Venezuelans who have served as members and witnesses of the table claim to have verified the results on this platform and have confirmed the veracity of the data.after reading the QR code, in front of those shown by José Brito – a deputy and presidential candidate who defines himself as “opposition” – during an interview on the national television channel Globovisión that – they claim – were falsified.

According to the PUD portal, González Urrutia obtained 7,303,480 votes, while Maduro obtained 3,316,142results based on the minutes that the bloc says it obtained thanks to electoral witnesses and table members.

Meanwhile, the CNE, in its second and, for now, last report – read last Friday – indicated that Maduro was re-elected for a third consecutive six-year term in power with 6,408,844 votes, while González Urrutia gathered 5,326,104, with 96.87% of the votes counted, which the electoral body has not published, as required by law.

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) is carrying out, at Maduro’s request, an investigation to “certify” the resultfor which he cited, among others, the 10 former candidates, of which González Urrutia refused to attend this Wednesday because he considers that the procedure does not correspond to any process contemplated in the legislation and constitutes a “violation of due process.”

The president of the CNE, the Chavista Elvis Amoroso, handed over the presidential election results to the TSJ on Monday, without having yet published them, as well as the results of the award and proclamation of Maduro as re-elected president, according to the state channel VTV.

The Carter Center, which participated as an observer, stated that the process “did not conform” to the international parameters and standards of electoral integrity, and therefore “cannot be considered democratic.” since -he said- the lack of detailed results “constitutes a serious violation of electoral principles.”

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