Dand according to local authorities, there are at least “10 deaths and 25 injuries”.
A source from the Public Ministry, cited by Agence France Presse (AFP), said that the victims, all women, include a minor.
The accident occurred on the section that connects Pijijiapan to Tonalá, in the State of Chiapas, on the Pacific coast of Mexico, a route used by migrants from Central and South America seeking to reach the United States.
This is the second accident of the same type to occur in the same State in less than a week.
On Thursday, two migrants died and 27 were injured after the truck they were traveling in overturned.
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2411287/migracoes-acidente-no-mexico-provoca-10-mortos-e-25-feridos