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Raclette, fondue, tartiflette, winter is the ideal time to enjoy delicious cheese dishes. Comforting and friendly, these recipes are rich but bring a lot of happiness to gourmets who love cheese.

The tartiflette is one of the star dishes of the season: made with potatoes, bacon and reblochon, this mountain dish is a must for winter tables. But did you know that it was possible to revisit it? With leeks in a light version or croziflette-style pasta, there is no shortage of versions to enjoy.

But to vary the pleasures, here is another variation that will delight gnocchi lovers: gnocchiflette. Discover the list of ingredients and the preparation steps to concoct this totally decadent dish that will delight children!

To make this recipe for 4 people, you will need:

  • 1 package of gnocchi
  • 200 g of smoked bacon
  • 1 large onion
  • 20 cl of thick crème fraîche
  • 30g butter
  • ½ Reblochon
  • 1 grind of black pepper
  1. Start by peeling an onion and dicing it finely. Brown them in a non-stick pan over medium heat then once they are translucent, add the bacon and mix until they brown properly.
  2. Add the crème fraîche and mix well to incorporate it.
  3. If you are using pan-frying gnocchi, you can brown them in a second pan with a little butter. Otherwise, simply place the contents of the gnocchi packet in a gratin dish.
  4. Cover with the cream/onion/bacon mixture and distribute everything well.
  5. Cut the reblochon into fairly thick slices and place them on the gnocchi before cooking the dish for around twenty minutes in an oven preheated to 200°C. The gnocchiflette must be nicely browned!
  6. Once out of the oven, you can adjust the seasoning with a little pepper.

Tip: if you don’t have reblochon, you can replace it with raclette cheese, tomme, or other alpine cheese.


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