DDuring the audience, according to ANSA, the Pope declared that he had not yet fully recovered from a cold, a situation that led Francis to reduce his work schedule in recent days.

“I’m still a little cold,” said Francisco today, who arrived in a wheelchair at the general audience held in the Paul VI room.

One of his advisors, Filippo Ciampanelli, read a large part of Francis’ speech today, as has happened on other occasions when the Pope was ill.

Last Monday, the Vatican revealed that “mild flu-like symptoms persisted, although without fever”, but several planned audiences were suspended as a precaution.

On Sunday, the Pope celebrated the traditional Angelus prayer and spoke before thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican.

At the end of November, the Pope was diagnosed with bronchitis and had to cancel some events. Francis had to celebrate the Angelus in private and was also replaced by a collaborator in reading his speeches.

To allow for his recovery, the Argentine Pope canceled his planned trip to Dubai in early December to participate in the Climate Summit.

He later recovered completely and, on December 8, went to Plaza de España, in Rome, for the traditional tribute to the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception.

Read Also: Pope asks people to remember “people who suffer” from wars in the world

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2510835/apos-audiencia-papa-levado-para-o-hospital-para-fazer-exame-medico

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