“Not used to dealing with resistance”: After the World Cup – ZDF reporter Neumann with severe criticism of the younger generation

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After the men, the German soccer women have now also suffered a major failure at the World Cup. After the preliminary round, ZDF reporter Claudia Neumann was still looking for explanations from the reporter’s seat and found what she was looking for with a mentality problem.

For the first time, a German women’s national soccer team missed the knockout phase of a World Cup. Immediately after the final whistle, ZDF reporter Claudia Neumann mixed in the bewilderment about the surprising preliminary round elimination of the DFB women after a 1-1 draw against South Korea.

“It’s really unbelievable,” said the live commentator into her mic as the mourning players hugged each other on the pitch.

“The little ones don’t exist anymore”, Neumann alluded to the many surprises in the course of the World Cup so far, “but you have to survive this group as Germany”. The level of performance of the team trained by Martina Voss-Tecklenburg was “too little overall”. “Of course you have to think about it when the quality of football is actually there.”

“Positive arrogance – it hasn’t existed for years”

“Does it have something to do with the head, with the mentality, with the training maybe, that you don’t allow the young players to be more selfish?” Claudia Neumann suspected. The former national goalkeeper Nadine Angerer once coined the term “positive arrogance”. However, this can no longer be observed in the German national team – and has been for several years.

The ZDF woman recognizes a generational problem here. During the tournament and before that, the German team always had problems when the opponents did something unforeseen. In their eyes, this shows a lack of ability to cope with resistance. According to Neumann, earlier generations of female players were more used to “dealing with resistance than the young women and young men of today”.

Co-commentator Josephine Henning commented on the departure less harshly: “You didn’t manage to get the very best out of yourself. It really hurts my soul because I would have believed this team a lot more.” The ex-national player also referred to many injuries and emphasized that the team should not fall apart at the moment of failure. Henning demanded: “We don’t have to tear the team apart.”

The original of this post “After the World Cup ended – ZDF reporter Neumann with severe criticism of the younger generation” comes from Teleschau.


Source: https://www.focus.de/sport/fussball/wm-2023-frauen/nicht-gewohnt-mit-widerstaenden-umzugehen-zdf-reporterin-kritisiert-nach-wm-aus-junge-generation_id_200821612.html

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